
Both during construction and in operation, the Boshof Solar Power project benefits the communities in the vicinity of the solar farm in multiple ways, including enterprise and socio-economic development that promotes access to the economy for local people, procurement and employment opportunities that plough financial resources into the local area as well as the establishment of a local community trust.

Boshof Solar Power spends a percentage of revenues on these programmes.

Enterprise and socio-economic development

Socio-economic development initiatives promote access to the economy for all people.

Enterprise development includes initiatives to assist and accelerate the sustainability of local enterprises and focuses on agricultural co-operatives located in communities surrounding Boshof.

The socio-economic focus is on education support programmes, including:

  • Early childhood development, as part of a creche support programme
  • Support for mathematics and science programmes
  • A sanitary towel distribution programme

These programmes will continue for the 20-year life of the project and will focus on local communities in Boshof and Hertzogville.

Community Trust

10 percent of the Boshof Solar Power project is owned by Kurisani Youth Development Trust, which is significantly higher than the government’s minimum threshold of 2,5% local ownership.

Procurement and employment

During construction, Boshof Solar Power provided employment opportunities to many people from the local community.

In addition, many indirect jobs were created or sustained at local manufacturers and suppliers through the project and its contractor’s procurement of goods and services from the local community.

Now in operation, Boshof Solar Power provides long-term employment for a number of people to operate and maintain the plant.

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